Shaping Tomorrow with Swyvl

Swyvl revolutionizes spatial data with 3D mapping, making it accessible and usable for people, systems, and AI. It empowers remote teams to collaborate, reduce site visits, and enhance communication.

a team at work on a laptop
Swyvl Nessbar Point Cloud

Our Vision

Swyvl 3D Mapping and Spatial Data

Our Mission

To create an ecosystem where spatial data from diverse sources is easily accessible, shareable, and usable by people, systems, and AI, enabling smarter decisions and efficient operations.

Core Values

Customer Empowerment

Bridging the technical gap by providing cutting-edge technology that empowers and delights users, enabling them to access and love innovations typically reserved for experts.


We value collaboration not only within our platform but also as part of the wider community and industry. Collaborative efforts lead to better solutions fostering a culture of shared knowledge and collective growth.


We are committed to making advanced technology inclusive and interoperable, breaking down barriers so that everyone can benefit, regardless of their educational background or technical expertise.

Sustainability & Safety

By leveraging advanced technology, we empower our users to be more sustainable, lower carbon footprints, and enhance safety by reducing risks to personnel.

Our Founders

Swyvl Co-Founders Alex Tolson and Laura Tolson

Alex Tolson
CEO and Co-Founder

With a Mechanical Engineering background, Alex Tolson merges technical expertise with visionary leadership at Swyvl. His approach transforms complex challenges into user-friendly solutions, inspiring a shift towards more intuitive technology that significantly impacts our interaction with the world.

Laura Tolson
COO and Co-Founder

With a foundation in Law and International Development, Laura combines strategic insight wiht operational pragmatism as Swyvl's COO. Her dedication to efficiency, team empowerment, and sustainable growth has been crucial in aligning Swyvl's day-to-day functions with its long-term aspirations, shaping the company's culture and operational success.

Interested in collaborating? Have questions, ideas or just want to chat? We'd love to hear from you!

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Discover Swyvl's Full Potential
Ready to see how a 360 virtual tour can transform your project planning?
Swyvl to unlock the power of your spatial data